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React Native App Development Guide

By Dwinner ||

 10 mins ||

 23 October, 2024

DWIN, founded in 2015, has swiftly established itself as a leader in cross-platform product development. Our mission revolves around exceeding client expectations through a blend of top-notch consulting and engineering services. With a wealth of experience since our inception, we've honed our skills in crafting bespoke solutions that resonate with clients' visions and objectives.

At DWIN, we believe that the crux of a successful product lies not just in the technologies utilized but in the deep understanding of these technologies' nuances. Our team of seasoned software architects and engineers brings over seven years of personal experience in cross-platform application development, leveraging major frameworks to deliver outstanding results.

In this guide, we delve into our expertise in React Native app development, sharing invaluable insights and practical experiences. We highlight how React Native aligns with businesses' goals, showcasing real-world examples of successful products built using this versatile framework. With DWIN, you can trust that your project will not only meet but exceed expectations, driven by our commitment to excellence and innovation.

Understanding React Native:

At its core, React Native allows developers to write mobile applications using JavaScript and React. Unlike traditional native app development, where separate codebases are required for iOS and Android platforms, React Native enables developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures a consistent user experience across different devices.


Navigation is a crucial aspect of any mobile application. React Native offers various navigation libraries such as React Navigation and React Native Navigation, which allow developers to implement navigation patterns like stack navigation, tab navigation, and drawer navigation with ease. These libraries come with built-in support for gestures, transitions, and deep linking, providing a seamless navigation experience to users.

State Management:

Managing state is essential for building interactive and dynamic applications. React Native provides several options for state management, including React’s built-in state management, Context API, and third-party libraries like Redux and MobX. These tools enable developers to manage the state of their application efficiently, ensuring data consistency and reusability of components.

Components and UI Elements:

React Native provides a rich set of components and UI elements that can be used to build intuitive user interfaces. These include View, Text, Image, Text Input, Button, Scroll View, and more. By combining these components and styling them using CSS-like properties, developers can create visually appealing interfaces that are responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes.

New Architecture of React Native

The New Architecture dropped the concept of The Bridge in favour of the JavaScript Interface (JSI), with new components, which increased performance (the new architecture is available starting from RN 0.68).

All components of New Architecture

Let’s know all the name of the components of New Architecture

  • Codegen (Native code generator)
  • JSI (JavaScript Interface)
  • Hermes Engine (A JS engine that runs JS code in devices)
  • Turbo Module (It Implements Native Module by using JSI & Native Code)
  • Fabric (Native UI renderer/ New render engine)
  • Fabric renderer (The new render pipeline creator)
  • Yoga (Cross platform layout engine. It was also in OLD architecture)





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